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Ahmed M Lutfi Al-Imam

University of Baghdad, Iraq


Ahmed Al-Imam, is a 32-years old medical doctor and a Dermatologist from Iraq. He finished his MSc (Dermatology) in the UK. Currently, he works as a lecturer at the faculty of Medicine, University of Baghdad. He has teaching experience in the fields of Human Anatomy, Surgical Pathology, and tissue processing. His research interests include Novel Psychoactive Substances, skin and hair disorders, and biomedical applications. His doctorate thesis (PhD in Medicine) at the University of Hertfordshire, will deploy comprehensive mapping of the Dark Web, in relation to the Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs). His latest invention patency, was on Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC) devices, for management of bed-ridden and elderly patients, with chronic venous insufficiency.


Abstract : A case report of delirium superimposed on dementia, in an elderly female patient with venous thrombosis of the leg